Sunday, July 7, 2013

Does the Church Need a Church Building?

In Ezra 3, ministers wore vestments.  In the Temple, there were candles.  In the Psalms, there were instruments of music and great choirs.  In the book of Acts, there was an election for a new Apostle – go Mathias! 

One thing I don’t find is real estate?

OK, there was that Temple thing going on, but other than that, churches met where two or three were gathered.  They met in homes.  They didn’t go out and buy property.

Every church I have served has had property, and it has been nice property.  At Chapel by the Sea I got to preach in a boat.  That was cool.  At Good Shepherd we had an awesome youth building.  Here at Grace Covenant, we got the gym!  There is something about our culture that makes churches more comfortable having a PLACE to call home.  It’s not a bad thing, not at all.

However, for those churches meeting in store fronts that have grown large enough to start looking for property, I want to say, “Don’t do it!” 

Mortgage.  Repairs.  Dirty carpet that has to be replaced!

As a pastor, much of my time has been spent on property issues.  Yes, there are advantages to owning property, but if you are a church that isn’t there yet, don’t go there.  Stay real estate free for as long as you can!

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